Lt Orion

Code Of Conduct

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To Dillieblues

 Please Follow These Rules While Playing In Delta Force Games

1. Acknowledge  players as they come into  server to play.

2. Acknowledge all players as they leave our server.

3. Be polite to all players

4. Don't argue with any player. Just be direct and to the point in resolving any conflict.

5. Make absolutely sure before "punting" or "banning" some one that is not following  server rules.

6. Provide a short explanation as to why some one was "punted" or "banned".

7. Act accordingly, when playing in "other" Servers as a Representative of  Your Squad

8. Make continuous efforts to get players on Team Speak and on MSN.

9. Periodically provide (type text) our Website, Team Speak I.P. Address and our (brief) rules.

10. Make sure that you apply the effort to assure our guests have fun while in our server.

11. Make sure YOU HAVE FUN, because thats what this Server is all about!!!!! ----"FUN"----

12. Follow all the Server Rules.

13. Be a Team Player, work together with other players to complete a mission

While Your In Any Server Please Follow These Simple Rules

1 Wear Your Squad Tag Proudly

2 No putting down other squad members

3) Greet all players that come into the server

4) No bad language at all

5) Work together as a team

6) Help other players in the server

7 No shooting teamates

8 Take screen shot and send to admin when seeing member/visitor voliating rules

9 No prone jumping
10 Must  follow objective in servers/game

11 If a problem comes up ,and rules dont cover it ,a decision by the adminastration will be made to resolve it


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These Pages Created By Dillieblues & LtOrion
Copywrite 2004